Georgia is all about wine and a good time 🇬🇪

🛬 10 Mar 2024 – 25 mar 2024 🛫

Chacha is a strong alcohol drink made from grape pomace in the Caucasus region. It’s similar to vodka but it’s more than that. It’s a tradition, it’s a culture, it’s a way of life.

I visited Georgia Twice last sep 2023, and This year March 2024, and I will visit more In the future

Georgia Recently started gaining a lot of attention from Digital Nomads due to its good quality of life and low cost of living.

As I mentioned before I visited Georgia twice, but I’ll write only about the second visit which I enjoyed the most.


On our first day we decided to visit the “The Clock Tower”  in the old town.

Brief history about it:

In 2010 Rezo Gabriadze built a unique clock tower next to the marionette theater in Tbilisi old town. Every hour an angel comes out to ring the bell with a small hammer.

There is a small mechanical puppet theater inside the tower and twice a day at noon and at 7pm you can see the show – “The Circle of Life”.

Rezo decorated the tower with hundreds of tiles which he designed himself and it instantly became a major architectural attraction of Tbilisi.

Rezo Gabriadze speaking about the Tower:

When the construction began, I found myself, as if by miracle of a time machine, in the faraway and beautiful Byzantine Empire of the 10th– 13th centuries.

Conclusion: it’s not far from the liberty square so you should visit and buy souvenirs to support the locals.   

After we finished, we started looking for a restaurant or fast food nearby but we couldn’t find it so we had to walk and we ended up in Liberty square again.

Tbilisi has a lot of affordable hotels and please make sure to book one near liberty square. 


Liberty Square

If you are staying in Tbilisi you are most likely to visit liberty square multiple times because it has a lot of restaurants and bars in the area. And it’s close to most attraction sites. 


But if you booked far from it I would highly recommend that you go to liberty square in the evening because it’s vibrant and classic and it’s considered the heart of Tbilisi.


Tip: for carrefour lovers there’s one and a mall as well nearby.

Holy trinity cathedral of tbilisi (Sameba)
Constructed between 1995 and 2004, it is the third-tallest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in the world and one of the largest religious buildings in the world by total area.

We woke up in the morning, we had breakfast and we decided to go walking there. It’s not far from the city center but the altitude was a little higher.

We arrived there after a half an hour walk  from liberty square, and it was mostly empty and it took us about less than 2 hours to have a tour around it.


No tickets needed for entry



As you could see in the picture below even the dog was enjoying staying in the stairs


As it started raining we had to go to the next place.

Meidan bazaar

The Meidan Bazaar is underground and it’s very much a tourist bazaar because stores sell souvenirs and antiques.

And trust me it’s a tourist friendly (no one will try to force you to buy anything)

Cable car to the Giant woman

If you want to see Tbilisi from above you could take a cable car ride “Rike-Narikala Cable Car” and all it takes is 5 mins to get the up the hill. 

On the top you will find a guy with musical instrument which may ask you where are you from? and if your country is famous (turkey, Kazakhstan, Russia, …etc) he will start singing a famous song from your country. 

The giant woman is called “Mother of Georgia” 

I have to admit it that this country might be small when it comes to population but its people are very into art, by their ideas of building moving building blocks, statues, giant monuments, and unique architecture when it comes to churches.

Bridge of peace ​

The Bridge of Peace is a bow-shaped pedestrian bridge, a steel and glass construction illuminated with numerous LEDs, over the Kura River (Not clean) it’s a must visit. 

Chronicles of Georgia

The Chronicle of Georgia is a monument located on Keeni Hill near the Tbilisi sea. It was created by sculptor Zurab Tsereteli in 1985 but was never fully finished. The monument sits at the top of a large set of stairs,  (stair dance)

There are 16 pillars that are between 30–35 meters tall and the top half features kings, queens, and heroes while the bottom part depicts stories from the life of Christ.

Luckily we christian guide which provided us with a lot of information  and that is what most Georgian people are like, a very proud nation of their religion.


To be honest, those monuments. I can’t imagine the work they Zurab put into making it. (it’s an art) 


Tiflisi vorontsova (restaurant)

Usually don’t recommend restaurants but this one we enjoyed eating in this restaurant and it offer a traditional georgian food


Unfortunately we stayed only one night in Batumi in the next day before heading to the train station we went and saw the following

Batumi beach (The black sea)

We had a walk on the beach and we collected some small stones which we still have until this day.

Ali & nino statue

The statue was our main reason to come to the city, (it’s small 😄)



The 8-meter-high transparent, steel figures of woman and man, named Ali and Nino, move slowly to pass through each other and gradually become one. This process repeats every 10 minutes.



We were picked up from the liberty square and we had the best seats in the van in the front where we could see all the beautiful mountains view.

Panorama of zhinvali reservoir

We stopped here and we took some amazing pictures of reservoir.

Anauri fortress complex

After a few miles  we entered the church. It wasn’t that special so I told Claudia to go a little down to see the reservoir. 

Gorda (restaurant)

At this place we had taste the variety of georgian wine and some traditional food which I don’t remember the name of the dishes.

Honey tasting cabin

There was a guy here which offers all spoon of each honey and yeah Georgia has one of the best honey.

I guess it’s the bees.


The place was full of snow, so that was where we had our first time touching and playing with snow together.

Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument

Leaving the best for the last, Claudia and I arrived at the monument. It was all white and snowing, so we decided to go and make the path to the top. I have to admit it was risky because you don’t know where you are stepping but together we made it and people started following us behind.

Felt so proud that day.

Thank you for reading wish you a wonderful day ❤️

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