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You can learn more about me through my blog posts, social media, and by following where I'm currently heading. These platforms offer a deeper insight into my experiences, thoughts, and the journey I'm on as a digital nomad.

01 Why do I travel?

Traveling is integral to my life as a digital nomad. It allows me to experience different cultures, gain new perspectives, and continually learn from diverse environments. This constant change keeps me inspired and creative, directly influencing my work. Being on the move helps me maintain a balance between my professional and personal life, giving me the freedom to explore the world while pursuing my career. Besides traveling, I’m a software engineer with a strong interest in IT. My career has been built around working as a Senior Consultant Web Developer, and I enjoy contributing to startups. My work involves creating and optimizing web applications, and I’m passionate about leveraging technology to drive innovation and solve problems.

02 How many countries have you already visited?

I’ve visited almost 25 countries, primarily in Asia but also across two different continents. Each destination has offered unique experiences and insights that have enriched my journey.

03 When will you stop?

At some point, I will slow down to arrange and manage my life, much like everyone else does. However, this will really just be preparation for what most people call retirement. Until then, I'll continue embracing the freedom and opportunities that come with being a digital nomad.

04 Do you travel with pets?

No, I don't currently travel with pets. However, I would love to have a bird one day. The idea of having a small companion to share my travels with is something I look forward to in the future.

05 What inspire you the most?

I'm inspired by the endless diversity of cultures, landscapes, and experiences that the world has to offer. Meeting new people, learning about different ways of life, and seeing how others approach challenges fuels my creativity and motivation. This inspiration drives me to keep exploring and growing, both personally and professionally. In the beginning, what truly sparked my wanderlust were two movies: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Into the Wild. If you’ve seen them, you’ll understand. Walter Mitty, often seen as the father of the modern traveler, crossed seas, mountains, and continents—all for the sake of work and maintaining a career. On the other hand, Into the Wild offers a unique perspective, with the protagonist seeking freedom from the constraints of the conventional work-to-earn world. The movie ends with a powerful message written in blood: ``Happiness only real when shared.`` I genuinely felt that sentiment when I traveled with Sofiane and Claudia later on.

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